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Launching Dr. Dan’s Pediatric Practice with Archy
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Launching Dr. Dan’s Pediatric Practice with Archy

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Andrew Bernstein
Andrew Bernstein
Product Marketing Manager, Archy
Launching Dr. Dan’s Pediatric Practice with Archy

Pursuing a Dream

Dr. Dan always dreamed of becoming a pediatric dentist. As a child, he was fascinated by the vibrant atmosphere of his pediatric dental office. Reflecting on an early experience shadowing a pediatric practice, he says, “It was really fun to see the pediatric dentist do all the things in his toolbox to try and win over children.”

His dental school and residency days at Children’s Hospital Colorado gave him a deeper understanding of the profession. This was followed by a stint in a private pediatric practice, where he learned the business side of dentistry. But deep inside, he had the burning desire to have a practice of his own.

Making a Crucial Decision

When it was time to establish his own practice, Campfire Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, a significant decision lay ahead of Dr. Dan: the choice of a practice management software. As he puts it, “It’s absolutely a decision that you plan to make for the rest of your career. You have to marry the practice management system.”

After considering solutions like Dentrix, Eaglesoft, and Open Dental, he decided to go with Archy. The decisive factor? The Archy team and their commitment to being the best. “The biggest reason that sold me on Archy was the team. I knew I was going to be able to work with them to make my practice management software perfect for my needs.”

Smooth Onboarding

The onboarding process with Archy was seamless and efficient. Dr. Dan recalls, “We had a few meetings with the team and they would just literally go through every part of Archy. All of those sessions were recorded and given to you so you can refer back to the videos anytime.”

Dr. Dan couldn’t help but commend the user-friendliness of Archy’s software, his team found it easy to get acquainted with the new software. Reflecting on his team’s transition, he shared,“We had part-time employees that came to just help for the day, and they were able to chart and figure out how to open x-rays super easily,” he shares.

Cost-effectiveness with Archy

One area where Archy really stood out for Dr. Dan was cost-effectiveness. “Archy has saved me an unquantifiable amount of money,” he reveals, estimating that his savings amount to at least $30,000.

The cloud-based nature of Archy has been a significant cost-saver for Dr. Dan. Right from the get-go, he managed to save a substantial amount by not having to invest in an expensive server. But the savings don’t stop there. With Archy, Dr. Dan appreciates that he doesn’t have to spend extra on third-party add-ons. The software comes fully equipped with all the necessary features, making it a true all-in-one solution

Robust Reporting and Patient Communication

Dr. Dan also found immense value in Archy’s robust reporting and patient communication features. Speaking about the reporting system, he says, “It’s so easily accessible to just click, boom, report what I wanna see done. It’s a bar graph, tells me what it is I can highlight. And I can move on.”

In terms of patient communication, Archy’s automated texts and online booking integration have been game-changers. “Having automated texts that go in after certain appointments has been fantastic,” he points out. He adds, “Having that ease of access, if that’s what it’s gonna mean to win that lead or convert that lead because you were easy to work with. That’s what’s super important in a business.”

With Archy’s automated features and built-in patient engagement tools, Dr. Dan is saving time and money. No more extra costs for third-party software, and the built-in features like automated texting free up his team for what they do best – taking care of patients. Archy’s online scheduling is helping to slash the amount of time his staff spends on the phone and giving the busy practice a breather.

A Partner in Growth: The Archy Team

Above all, Dr. Dan’s satisfaction lies with the Archy team. “My favorite part about Archy, to be honest, is the team,” he confesses. He appreciates their open-mindedness towards suggestions and views them as a teammate rather than merely a software provider. He affirms, “The fact that they’re always open to any suggestions that you have that would help in your specific scenario is why you should switch to Archy. Because they’re not just a practice management system they’re a teammate of yours in your business.”

Dr. Dan’s Recommendation

Dr. Dan has a word of advice for pediatric dentists planning to start their own practice. “Archy is gonna save you money. It’s gonna save you time and it’s going to only get better,” he says.

With the support of Archy’s system and team, Dr. Dan is living his dream of running his own pediatric dental practice, dedicated to helping children and their families. He looks forward to the continued enhancements from Archy that will further benefit customers like him.

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